Spencer Albee is a internationally acclaimed producer, songwriter, performer and creator. Since 1995, he has signed multiple major recording and publishing agreements and has variously recorded and toured with artists such as David Bowie, Amy Allen, Josh Homme, De La Soul, Steel Pulse, The Ghost Of Paul Revere and Tony Visconti


HOT goss


“is it great yet?” stickers, mugs and T-shirts now on the merch page!

Click the image to order!

TIME MACHINE: 2024-2000


Spencer’s 3 CD, 57 song carreer-spanning retrospective hits stores and streaming on November 29, 2024. The collection starts with Spencer’s newest single, his cover of “Everybody’s Gotta Live” and rolls out in reverse-chronological order, with hand chosen favorites going all the way back to his first single, “I’m Breathing. The retrospective also includes 10 additional un, or under-released studio recordings, issued here for the first time on CD. Curated by Spencer, assembled by long time producer, friend and collaborator Jonathan Wyman with artwork by Sean Wilkenson.





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What is Patreon and why join?

Patreon is a platform that enables the artist to communicate with their audience, and provide them with exclusive content and more. It also empowers the audience to support the artist financially. It’s a tough racket out there for musicians, and this is a way to show support so Spencer can continue to create. You don’t have to pay to participate. Everything helps.

Check out his page HERE



email: spencerverse@gmail.com